Attribute Name | Description |
pob_2010 | |
pob_2020 | |
Metro | |
Metrobus | |
Tren_liger | |
Cablebus | |
Trolebus | |
RTP | |
Concesiona | |
Ecobici | |
Cobertura | |
cve_ent | |
alcaldia | |
cve_col | |
colonia | |
SUP_COL_M2 | |
Suburbano | |
Tren_MT | |
Metrobu47 |
Cobertura de transporte público estructurado
2021-05-17 10:54:00
No information provided
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POLYGON((-99.3125657012563 19.245916773985172,-99.3125657012563 19.57186506838279,-98.97950346242997 19.57186506838279,-98.97950346242997 19.245916773985172,-99.3125657012563 19.245916773985172))
Attribute Name | Description |
pob_2010 | |
pob_2020 | |
Metro | |
Metrobus | |
Tren_liger | |
Cablebus | |
Trolebus | |
RTP | |
Concesiona | |
Ecobici | |
Cobertura | |
cve_ent | |
alcaldia | |
cve_col | |
colonia | |
SUP_COL_M2 | |
Suburbano | |
Tren_MT | |
Metrobu47 |
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