Attribute Name | Description |
CVEGEO | None |
POB1 | None |
clv_ingre | None |
r_ingreso | None |
sup_ha | None |
den_pob_ha | None |
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2020-09-17 00:50:50.132897
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Contacto registrado
POLYGON((-99.34365190053931 19.123858784013944,-99.34365190053931 19.592799273770563,-98.94652365298789 19.592799273770563,-98.94652365298789 19.123858784013944,-99.34365190053931 19.123858784013944))
Attribute Name | Description |
CVEGEO | None |
POB1 | None |
clv_ingre | None |
r_ingreso | None |
sup_ha | None |
den_pob_ha | None |
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